Adam Wilson's Curriculum Vitae

Download as pdf: cv-adam-wilson.pdf



Javascript (Node.js, React, Express), Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, MySQL, DHIS2, Metabase, ODK, CommCare, Mapbox, Leaflet, Facebook API, Google Services APIs, Nginx, Passenger, JQuery, Redis, Sencha Touch, Weblogic, JBoss, Tomcat, MySQL, SQL Server, IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, Ant, Maven, Jenkins Continuous Integration, Scrum methodologies, EJB3, J2EE, JMS, JPA, Hibernate, Spring, SOAP Web Services, JAX-RPC, Axis, JSF, JSP, Struts, Richfaces, increasingly obscure and dated acronyms.

Platforms & PaaS/SaaS

Heroku (my go-to for fire and forget hosting), Docker, Amazon Web Services (focus on EC2, ECS/Fargate, RDS, SES, Route52, CloudFormation, S3, Lambda, ElastiCache), Google Cloud (Compute Engine, Cloud SQL), Terraform


Ruby, Javascript, Java, C, Python, PHP, Smalltalk (Squeak), HTML, XML, CSS, SQL

Work History

Callaway Wilson

August 2017 - Current : Atlanta, GA

Providing data and technology support and implementation for a variety of NGOs in the public health area and small companies leveraging web technology. Recent & current work includes:

  • Project management and planning for a variety of web based tools, collaborating with both internal and external resources
  • Map-based tooling using PostGIS and Mapbox for custom visualizations of disease monitoring and treatment progress
  • AWS platform & security development for a variety of web applications
  • A trachoma surgery tracking and monitoring system in CommCare, Metabase and other tools currently being used in several countries
  • A database & Excel-driven import/export data management system to allow future-proof submissions tracking and reporting for global donations and supplies programs
  • A neglected tropical disease DHIS2 system supporting country-wide historic and current data collection and management
  • A maps-based mobile web survey tool
  • An offline-capabable inventory calculator for medical supply needs in low resource environments

RTI International

Health Informaticist, GHD ICT Tech Lead
August 2016 - July 2017 : Atlanta, GA

Worked with a small group to streamline technology deployment and implementation to accelerate and improve public health projects. We implemented a strategy of buy over build and leaned heavily into the existing and rising ecosystem of tools in global health, specifically DHIS2.

Time Out

VP Technology, Time Out Labs
April 2014 - July 2016 : Atlanta, GA

Maintaining and updating HUGECITY technology as the Time Out World platform. Working on a variety of upcoming products and technologies as the technical lead of Time Out labs.


Co-founder and CTO
April 2011 - April 2014 : Atlanta, GA

Designed and implemented Facebook events aggregator and recommendation engine HUGECITY. Used by millions of people around the world to find stuff going on wherever they are. Hugh Malkin and I built the site including a dedicated mobile site, iOS application, JSON API, and embeddable events widget. We currently list over 18 million events all over the world.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Software Engineer
December 2006 - April 2011 : Atlanta, GA & AZ Remote

Contracting through Kratos Defense and Securities Solutions for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention designed, implemented, maintained, and supported enterprise services and web applications for direct and inter-state emergency alerting and notification.

  • Designed and promoted a system for inter-state cascade alerting to replace an antiquated one. The solution saved implementation costs, support costs, and deployment logistics. The solution was made into a Public Health Information Network (PHIN) standard.
  • Initiated and lead an effort updating the technology platform from a Java 1.4/J2EE/Weblogic 8 stack to a Java 1.6/EJB3/JBoss 5 platform, cutting development times and improving software quality.
  • Implemented an Agile, Continuous integration environment using Maven, Unit Testing, and Hudson CI platform. Helped move to Scrum methodology.
  • Personally supported all the integration work for the PHIN Cascade Alerting System, integrating state and local health alerting systems with the CDC's and each other.

Objectware, Inc.

February 2006 - December 2006 : Atlanta, GA

Developed a variety of web applications, from E-Commerce applications (store-side and powerful administrator tools) to custom workflow solutions. Was involved in the development process from design to deployment.

  • Played a major part in the design, implementation, and customer communication for a multi-user, multi-level, multi-location advertising production and revenue analysis workflow application.
  • Simultaneously integrated web service solutions on a project with shippers UPS, FedEx, and the US Postal Service.

NASA Ames Research Center

Graduate Research Assistant
January 2005 - December 2005 : Atlanta,GA & Mountain View, CA

Developed prototype interface and software for NASA's next-generation component-based mission control software (Mission Control Technologies)

  • Developed feature-rich system in Squeak Smalltalk (Tweak interface).
  • Implemented innovative component-based system and helped with the design of its interaction model.
  • Worked with experienced Human Interface Engineers to prototype ideas for implementation in actual Java software (currently in development).
  • Worked as an intern at NASA Ames for Summer 2005. Worked as a Graduate Research Assistant for the rest of the year.

Georgia Institute of Technology

Research Assistant
Summer 2002 - 2003 : Atlanta, GA

As a graduate assistant, developed student multimedia programming environment for Georgia Tech's experimental Introduction to Media Computation course.

  • Led team of 5 undergrad and grad students to upgrade and integrate all course software (media tools and programming environment) for classroom deployment.
  • Developed assignment turn-in system.
  • Maintained and supported the software being used by ~400 students at several academic institutions.

Choicepoint, Inc.

Data processor & programmer
Summer 2000 - 2001 : Atlanta, GA

Data processor & programmer for medical record database merging.

  • Processed state medical records delivered in a variety of different formats and data languages for merge into corporate databases.
  • Developed tools to help data processors verify and check data before database merges.


B.S. & M.S. Computer Science
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA